Book Chapter

  1. Beheshti, A. and Khonsari, M.M., “An Irreversible Thermodynamics Framework for Prediction of Fretting Fatigue Crack Nucleation Life”, in Fretting wear and fretting fatigue - fundamental principles and applications, Editor: Daniele Dini, April 2022.


Journal Papers

  1. Tripathy, M., Davami, K. and Beheshti, A., “Elevated temperature fretting wear Study of additively manufactured Inconel 625”, Additive Manufacturing, under review, 2021.
  2. Tajyar, A., Holtham, N., Hackel, L., Sherman, V., Beheshti, A., and Davami, K., “Laser peening analysis of aluminum 5083: a finite element study”, Quantum Beam Science, 5, 34, 2021. 
  3. Sattari, M., Kadkhodaei, M., Akbarzadeh, S., Gholami, R., and Beheshti, A., “Wear in superelastic shape memory alloys: A thermomechanical analysis”, Wear, 488, 204139, 2021.
  4. Salari, S., Behnia, F., Polycarpou, A. A., and Beheshti, A., “Elevated temperature contact creep and friction of nickel-based superalloys using machine learning assisted finite element analysis”, Mechanics of Materials, under review, 2021.
  5. Salari, S., and Beheshti, A., “Asperity-Based Contact and Static Friction with Provision for Creep”, Surfaces and Interfaces, 24, 101144, 2021.
  6. Salari, S., Rahman, M.S., Polycarpou, A.A. and Beheshti, A., “Elevated temperature mechanical properties of Inconel 617 surface oxide using nanoindentation”, Materials Science and Engineering. A, 788(C), pp.139539, 2020.
  7. Tripathy, M., Munther, M., Davami, K. and Beheshti, A., “Surface property study of additively manufactured Inconel 625 at room temperature and 510° C”, Manufacturing Letters, 26, pp.69-73, 2020.
  8. Munther, M., Martin, T., Tajyar, A., Hackel, L., Beheshti, A. and Davami, K., “Laser shock peening and its effects on microstructure and properties of additively manufactured metal alloys: a review”, Engineering Research Express, 2, 022001, 2020. 
  9. Munther, M., Palma, T., Tavangarian, F., Beheshti, A. and Davami, K., “Nanomechanical properties of additively and traditionally manufactured nickel-chromium-based superalloys through instrumented nanoindentation”, Manufacturing Letters, 23, pp.39-43, 2020.
  10. Rahman, M.S., Ding, J., Beheshti, A., Zhang, X. and Polycarpou, A.A., “Tribology of incoloy 800HT for nuclear reactors under helium environment at elevated temperatures”, Wear436, p.203022, 2019.
  11. Rahman, M.S., Ding, J., Beheshti, A., Zhang, X. and Polycarpou, A.A., “Helium Tribology of Inconel 617 at Elevated Temperatures up to 950° C: Parametric Study”, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 193(9), pp.998-1012, 2019.
  12. Palma, T., Munther, M., Sharma, M., Hackel, L., Beheshti, A. and Davami, K., “Nanomechanical Characterization of Laser Peened Additively Manufactured Inconel 718 Superalloy”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 21(9), p.1900499, 2019.
  13. Palma, T., Munther, M., Damasus, P., Salari, S., Beheshti, A.* and Davami, K., “Multiscale mechanical and tribological characterizations of additively manufactured polyamide 12 parts with different print orientations”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 40, pp.76-83, 2019.
  14. Davami, K., Mohsenizadeh, M., Munther, M., Palma, T., Beheshti, A. and Momeni, K., 2019, “Dynamic energy absorption characteristics of additively-manufactured shape-recovering lattice structures”, Materials Research Express, 6(4), p.045302, 2019.
  15. Munther, M., Palma, T., Angeron, I., Salari, S., Ghassemi, H., Vasefi, M., Beheshti, A.* and Davami, K., 2018, “Microfabricated Biomimetic Placoid Scale-Inspired Surfaces for Antifouling Applications” Applied Surface Science, Vol. 453, 166-172 (2018).
  16. Rahman, M., Ding, J., Beheshti, A., Xinghang Zhang, X., Polycarpou, A. A., “Elevated Temperature Tribology of Ni Alloys under Helium Environment for Nuclear Reactor Applications”, Tribology International, Vol. 123, 2018.
  17. Michael Munther, M., Palma, T., Beheshti, A.* and Keivan Davami “Substrate-Regulated Nanoscale Friction of Graphene”, Materials Letters, Vol. 221, Pages 54-56, 2018.
  18. Mohsenizadeh, M., Gasbarri, F., Munther, M., Beheshti, A.* and Davami, K., “Additively-Manufactured Lightweight Metamaterials for Energy Absorption”, Materials & Design, 139, pp.521-530, 2018.
  19. Lee, J., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A. A., “Rough Surface Normal Nanocontact Stiffness: Experimental Measurements and Rough Surface Contact Model Predictions”, Journal of Applied Mechanics-ASME, Vol. 84, Issue 3, Page: 031006, 2017.
  20. Humood, M., Beheshti, A., and Polycarpou, A. A., “Surface Reliability of Annealed and Tempered Solar Protective Glasses: Indentation and Scratch Behavior”, Solar Energy, Vol. 142, Page: 13-25, 2017.
  21. Humood, M., Beheshti, A., and Polycarpou, A. A., “Normal impact of sand particles with solar panel glass surfaces”, Tribology International, Vol. 102, Page: 237-248, 2016.
  22. Alinia, Y., Beheshti, A., Guler, M. A., El-Borgi, S., Polycarpou, A. A., “Sliding Contact Analysis of Functionally Graded Coating/Substrate System”, Mechanics of Materials, 94, 142-155, 2016.
  23. Chatterjje, A., Beheshti, A., Polycarpou, A. A. and Bellon P., “Yield Maps for Single and Bilayer Thin Films under Scratch”, Journal of Tribology-ASME, Vol. 138, Issue 3, Page: 031402, 2016.
  24. Asadi, S., Hassan, M., Beheshti, A., Berryman, C., “Quantification of Residential Energy Consumption Reduction Using Glass-Modified Asphalt Shingle”, Journal of Architectural Engineering, B4015003, 2015.
  25. Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., “On the Contact of Curved Rough Surfaces: Contact Behavior and Predictive Formulas”, Journal of Applied Mechanics-ASME, Vol. 81, Issue 11, Page: 111004, November 2014.
  26. Aghdam, A.B., Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., “Prediction of Crack Nucleation in Rough Line-Contact Fretting via Continuum Damage Mechanics Approach”, Tribology letters, Vol. 53, Issue 3, Page: 631-643, March 2014.
  27. Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., “An Engineering Approach for the Prediction of Wear in Mixed Lubricated Contacts”, Wear, Vol. 308, Page: 121-131, 2013.
  28. Beheshti, A., Aghdam, A.B., Khonsari, M. M., “Deterministic Surface Tractions in Rough Contact under Stick-Slip Condition: Application to Fretting Fatigue Crack Initiation”, International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 56, Pages: 75-85, 2013.
  29. Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., “Micro Asperity Contact Models as Applied to the Deformation of Rough Line Contact”, Tribology International, Vol. 52, Pages: 61-74, 2012. 
  30. Aghdam, A.B., Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., “On the Fretting Crack Nucleation with Provision for Size Effect”, Tribology International, Vol. 47, Pages: 32-43, 2012.
  31. Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., “On the Prediction of Fatigue Crack Initiation in    Rolling/Sliding Contacts with Provision for Loading Sequence Effect”, Tribology International, Vol. 44, Pages: 1620-1628, 2011.
  32. Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., “A Thermodynamic Approach for Prediction of Wear Coefficient Under Unlubricated Sliding Condition”, Tribology Letters, Vol. 38, No. 3,   Pages: 347-354, 2010. 
  33. Asadi, S., Hassan, M. and Beheshti, A. “Performance Analysis of an Attic Radiant Barrier System Using Three Dimensional Transient Finite Element Method”, Journal of Building Physics, Vol. 36, Pages: 247-264, 2013 
  34. Asadi, S., Hassan, M. and Beheshti, A. “Development and Validation of a Simple Estimating Tool to Predict Heating and Cooling Energy Demand for Attics of Residential Buildings”, Building and Energy, Vol. 54, Pages: 12-21, 2012.
  35. Mahmoud Salimi, Mostafa Jamshidian, Ali Beheshti, A. R. Sadeghi, “Bending-Unbending Analysis of Anisotropic Sheet Under Plane Strain Condition”, Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering (Esteghlal), Vol. 26, No.2, Pages: 77-86, March 2007 (in Persian, abstract is available in English).

Selected Conference Papers and Presentations  

  1. Salari, S., Rahman, M.S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A. " High-Temperature Nanomechanical Behavior of Inconel 617 Surface Oxides" - Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, Chicago, May 2020.
  2. Salari, S., Rahman, M.S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A. High-Temperature Contact Creep and Friction of Inconel 617 Surface Oxides, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, Chicago, May 2020.
  3. Tripathy, M. and Beheshti A., “Elevated Temperature Fretting Wear of Additively Manufactured Inconel 625”,  Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, Chicago, May 2020.
  4. Tripathy, M. and Beheshti A., “Fretting Wear Study of Additively Manufactured PH-17 Steel at high temperatures”, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, Chicago, May 2020.
  5. Rahman, M.S., Salari, S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A., "Helium tribology of Ni-based alloys at high temperature up to 950°C" - Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, Chicago, May 2020.
  6. Rahman, M.S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A., "Friction and wear behavior of laser shock peened Inconel 617 at elevated temperature in Helium" - Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, Chicago, May 2020.
  7. Rahman, M.S., Salari, S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A. "Elevated Temperature Nanomechanical and Nanotribological Behaviors of Ni Alloys Surface Oxides: Part I-Experimental Study" - presented at the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, May 2019.
  8. Rahman, M.S., Salari, S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A."Elevated Temperature Nanomechanical and Nanotribological Behaviors of Ni Alloys Surface Oxides: Part II-Finite Element Study" - presented at the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, May 2019.
  9. Rahman, M.S., Salari, S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A. "High-Temperature Nanomechanical Behavior of Inconel 617 Surface Oxides" - will be presented at Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, May 2020.
  10. Salari, S., Rahman, M.S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A. "High-Temperature Contact Creep and Friction of Inconel 617 Surface Oxides" - will be presented at Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, May 2020.
  11. Rahman, M.S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A. “High Temperature sliding wear behavior of Ni alloys under Helium environment" presented at the 2017 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo (Washington DC).
  12. Rahman, M.S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A. "High Temperature Nanoindentation of Ni Alloys under Helium Environment" presented at 2017 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo (Washington DC).
  13. Munther, M., Gasbarri, F., Salari, S., Beheshti, A. and Davami, K., “Additively-Manufactured Lightweight Metamaterials for Energy Absorption”, ASME conference, Tampa, 2017.
  14. Salari, S., and Beheshti, A., “Extraction of Mechanical Characteristics of Metallic alloys under very high temperature”, ASME conference, Tampa, 2017.
  15. Salari, S., and Beheshti, A., “Hot Nano-indentation of Metallic Alloys: Experiments and Simulations”, STLE conference, Atlanta 2017.
  16. Rahman, M. S., and Beheshti, A., “Yielding Behavior of Single/Multilayer and Functionally Graded Layer Coatings under Scratch”, STLE Tribology Frontiers, November 2016, Chicago, USA.
  17. Hummod, M., Beheshti, A., and Polycarpou, Andreas A., “Wear Resistance Analysis of Protective Coating for Solar Panel Application”, STLE 70th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Dallas, Texas 2015.
  18. Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., Analysis of Contact in Smooth and Rough Surfaces: Contact Characteristics and Tribo-Damage, 12th Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference, 27 April 2013, Mechanical Engineering Department, Louisiana State University, LA, USA (First rank presentation)
  19. Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., “Prediction of Wear in Lubricated Contacts” ASME/STLE Tribology Joint Conference (IJTC), 8-10 October, 2012, Denver, CO, USA
  20. Asadi, S., Hassan, M., and Beheshti, A., “Residential Attic with Radiant Barrier System: Finite Element Simulation and Parametric Study”, ASC 48th Annual International Conference, 11-14 April, 2012Birmingham City University, England
  21. Asadi, S., Hassan, M., and Beheshti, A. “On the Performance Analysis of Attic Radiant Barrier Using Transient Finite Element Model”, Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC), Construction Track, 21-25 May 2011, RENO, NV, USA  
  22. Asadi, S., Hassan, M., and Beheshti, A. “Finite Element Analysis of Attic Radiant Barrier Insulation system performance in Residential Buildings”, Engineering Sustainability 2011: Innovation and the Triple Bottom Line Conference, 10-12 April 2011, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
  23. Mostafa Jamshidian, Ali Beheshti, A.R. Sadeghi, Mahmoud Salimi, “Analysis of Strip Residual Curvatures in Anti-cross bow Cassette in Tension leveling Process”, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Metal Forming, Metal Forming 2008, Pages: 513-20, Verlag Stahleisen, Kraków, Poland.
  24. M. Salimi, M. Jamshidian, A. Beheshti, M. Silani, “Bending-Unbending Analysis of Anisotropic Sheet under Plane Strain Condition”, 14th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference (ISME), Isfahan, Iran, May 2006.
  25. M. Silani, A. Beheshti, M.R. Forouzan, “Effect of Patch Connection Methods on Fracture Resistance of Cracked Sheets”, 14th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference (ISME), Isfahan, Iran May 2006.