Book Chapter
- Beheshti, A. and Khonsari, M.M., “An Irreversible Thermodynamics Framework for Prediction of Fretting Fatigue Crack Nucleation Life”, in Fretting wear and fretting fatigue - fundamental principles and applications, Editor: Daniele Dini, April 2022.
Journal Papers
- Tripathy, M., Davami, K. and Beheshti, A., “Elevated temperature fretting wear Study of additively manufactured Inconel 625”, Additive Manufacturing, under review, 2021.
- Tajyar, A., Holtham, N., Hackel, L., Sherman, V., Beheshti, A., and Davami, K., “Laser peening analysis of aluminum 5083: a finite element study”, Quantum Beam Science, 5, 34, 2021.
- Sattari, M., Kadkhodaei, M., Akbarzadeh, S., Gholami, R., and Beheshti, A., “Wear in superelastic shape memory alloys: A thermomechanical analysis”, Wear, 488, 204139, 2021.
- Salari, S., Behnia, F., Polycarpou, A. A., and Beheshti, A., “Elevated temperature contact creep and friction of nickel-based superalloys using machine learning assisted finite element analysis”, Mechanics of Materials, under review, 2021.
- Salari, S., and Beheshti, A., “Asperity-Based Contact and Static Friction with Provision for Creep”, Surfaces and Interfaces, 24, 101144, 2021.
- Salari, S., Rahman, M.S., Polycarpou, A.A. and Beheshti, A., “Elevated temperature mechanical properties of Inconel 617 surface oxide using nanoindentation”, Materials Science and Engineering. A, 788(C), pp.139539, 2020.
- Tripathy, M., Munther, M., Davami, K. and Beheshti, A., “Surface property study of additively manufactured Inconel 625 at room temperature and 510° C”, Manufacturing Letters, 26, pp.69-73, 2020.
- Munther, M., Martin, T., Tajyar, A., Hackel, L., Beheshti, A. and Davami, K., “Laser shock peening and its effects on microstructure and properties of additively manufactured metal alloys: a review”, Engineering Research Express, 2, 022001, 2020.
- Munther, M., Palma, T., Tavangarian, F., Beheshti, A. and Davami, K., “Nanomechanical properties of additively and traditionally manufactured nickel-chromium-based superalloys through instrumented nanoindentation”, Manufacturing Letters, 23, pp.39-43, 2020.
- Rahman, M.S., Ding, J., Beheshti, A., Zhang, X. and Polycarpou, A.A., “Tribology of incoloy 800HT for nuclear reactors under helium environment at elevated temperatures”, Wear, 436, p.203022, 2019.
- Rahman, M.S., Ding, J., Beheshti, A., Zhang, X. and Polycarpou, A.A., “Helium Tribology of Inconel 617 at Elevated Temperatures up to 950° C: Parametric Study”, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 193(9), pp.998-1012, 2019.
- Palma, T., Munther, M., Sharma, M., Hackel, L., Beheshti, A. and Davami, K., “Nanomechanical Characterization of Laser Peened Additively Manufactured Inconel 718 Superalloy”, Advanced Engineering Materials, 21(9), p.1900499, 2019.
- Palma, T., Munther, M., Damasus, P., Salari, S., Beheshti, A.* and Davami, K., “Multiscale mechanical and tribological characterizations of additively manufactured polyamide 12 parts with different print orientations”, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 40, pp.76-83, 2019.
- Davami, K., Mohsenizadeh, M., Munther, M., Palma, T., Beheshti, A. and Momeni, K., 2019, “Dynamic energy absorption characteristics of additively-manufactured shape-recovering lattice structures”, Materials Research Express, 6(4), p.045302, 2019.
- Munther, M., Palma, T., Angeron, I., Salari, S., Ghassemi, H., Vasefi, M., Beheshti, A.* and Davami, K., 2018, “Microfabricated Biomimetic Placoid Scale-Inspired Surfaces for Antifouling Applications” Applied Surface Science, Vol. 453, 166-172 (2018).
- Rahman, M., Ding, J., Beheshti, A., Xinghang Zhang, X., Polycarpou, A. A., “Elevated Temperature Tribology of Ni Alloys under Helium Environment for Nuclear Reactor Applications”, Tribology International, Vol. 123, 2018.
- Michael Munther, M., Palma, T., Beheshti, A.* and Keivan Davami “Substrate-Regulated Nanoscale Friction of Graphene”, Materials Letters, Vol. 221, Pages 54-56, 2018.
- Mohsenizadeh, M., Gasbarri, F., Munther, M., Beheshti, A.* and Davami, K., “Additively-Manufactured Lightweight Metamaterials for Energy Absorption”, Materials & Design, 139, pp.521-530, 2018.
- Lee, J., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A. A., “Rough Surface Normal Nanocontact Stiffness: Experimental Measurements and Rough Surface Contact Model Predictions”, Journal of Applied Mechanics-ASME, Vol. 84, Issue 3, Page: 031006, 2017.
- Humood, M., Beheshti, A., and Polycarpou, A. A., “Surface Reliability of Annealed and Tempered Solar Protective Glasses: Indentation and Scratch Behavior”, Solar Energy, Vol. 142, Page: 13-25, 2017.
- Humood, M., Beheshti, A., and Polycarpou, A. A., “Normal impact of sand particles with solar panel glass surfaces”, Tribology International, Vol. 102, Page: 237-248, 2016.
- Alinia, Y., Beheshti, A., Guler, M. A., El-Borgi, S., Polycarpou, A. A., “Sliding Contact Analysis of Functionally Graded Coating/Substrate System”, Mechanics of Materials, 94, 142-155, 2016.
- Chatterjje, A., Beheshti, A., Polycarpou, A. A. and Bellon P., “Yield Maps for Single and Bilayer Thin Films under Scratch”, Journal of Tribology-ASME, Vol. 138, Issue 3, Page: 031402, 2016.
- Asadi, S., Hassan, M., Beheshti, A., Berryman, C., “Quantification of Residential Energy Consumption Reduction Using Glass-Modified Asphalt Shingle”, Journal of Architectural Engineering, B4015003, 2015.
- Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., “On the Contact of Curved Rough Surfaces: Contact Behavior and Predictive Formulas”, Journal of Applied Mechanics-ASME, Vol. 81, Issue 11, Page: 111004, November 2014.
- Aghdam, A.B., Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., “Prediction of Crack Nucleation in Rough Line-Contact Fretting via Continuum Damage Mechanics Approach”, Tribology letters, Vol. 53, Issue 3, Page: 631-643, March 2014.
- Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., “An Engineering Approach for the Prediction of Wear in Mixed Lubricated Contacts”, Wear, Vol. 308, Page: 121-131, 2013.
- Beheshti, A., Aghdam, A.B., Khonsari, M. M., “Deterministic Surface Tractions in Rough Contact under Stick-Slip Condition: Application to Fretting Fatigue Crack Initiation”, International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 56, Pages: 75-85, 2013.
- Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., “Micro Asperity Contact Models as Applied to the Deformation of Rough Line Contact”, Tribology International, Vol. 52, Pages: 61-74, 2012.
- Aghdam, A.B., Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., “On the Fretting Crack Nucleation with Provision for Size Effect”, Tribology International, Vol. 47, Pages: 32-43, 2012.
- Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., “On the Prediction of Fatigue Crack Initiation in Rolling/Sliding Contacts with Provision for Loading Sequence Effect”, Tribology International, Vol. 44, Pages: 1620-1628, 2011.
- Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., “A Thermodynamic Approach for Prediction of Wear Coefficient Under Unlubricated Sliding Condition”, Tribology Letters, Vol. 38, No. 3, Pages: 347-354, 2010.
- Asadi, S., Hassan, M. and Beheshti, A. “Performance Analysis of an Attic Radiant Barrier System Using Three Dimensional Transient Finite Element Method”, Journal of Building Physics, Vol. 36, Pages: 247-264, 2013
- Asadi, S., Hassan, M. and Beheshti, A. “Development and Validation of a Simple Estimating Tool to Predict Heating and Cooling Energy Demand for Attics of Residential Buildings”, Building and Energy, Vol. 54, Pages: 12-21, 2012.
- Mahmoud Salimi, Mostafa Jamshidian, Ali Beheshti, A. R. Sadeghi, “Bending-Unbending Analysis of Anisotropic Sheet Under Plane Strain Condition”, Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering (Esteghlal), Vol. 26, No.2, Pages: 77-86, March 2007 (in Persian, abstract is available in English).
Selected Conference Papers and Presentations
- Salari, S., Rahman, M.S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A. " High-Temperature Nanomechanical Behavior of Inconel 617 Surface Oxides" - Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, Chicago, May 2020.
- Salari, S., Rahman, M.S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A. High-Temperature Contact Creep and Friction of Inconel 617 Surface Oxides, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, Chicago, May 2020.
- Tripathy, M. and Beheshti A., “Elevated Temperature Fretting Wear of Additively Manufactured Inconel 625”, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, Chicago, May 2020.
- Tripathy, M. and Beheshti A., “Fretting Wear Study of Additively Manufactured PH-17 Steel at high temperatures”, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, Chicago, May 2020.
- Rahman, M.S., Salari, S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A., "Helium tribology of Ni-based alloys at high temperature up to 950°C" - Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, Chicago, May 2020.
- Rahman, M.S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A., "Friction and wear behavior of laser shock peened Inconel 617 at elevated temperature in Helium" - Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, Chicago, May 2020.
- Rahman, M.S., Salari, S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A. "Elevated Temperature Nanomechanical and Nanotribological Behaviors of Ni Alloys Surface Oxides: Part I-Experimental Study" - presented at the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, May 2019.
- Rahman, M.S., Salari, S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A."Elevated Temperature Nanomechanical and Nanotribological Behaviors of Ni Alloys Surface Oxides: Part II-Finite Element Study" - presented at the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, May 2019.
- Rahman, M.S., Salari, S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A. "High-Temperature Nanomechanical Behavior of Inconel 617 Surface Oxides" - will be presented at Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, May 2020.
- Salari, S., Rahman, M.S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A. "High-Temperature Contact Creep and Friction of Inconel 617 Surface Oxides" - will be presented at Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers (STLE) conference, May 2020.
- Rahman, M.S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A. “High Temperature sliding wear behavior of Ni alloys under Helium environment" presented at the 2017 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo (Washington DC).
- Rahman, M.S., Beheshti, A. and Polycarpou, A.A. "High Temperature Nanoindentation of Ni Alloys under Helium Environment" presented at 2017 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo (Washington DC).
- Munther, M., Gasbarri, F., Salari, S., Beheshti, A. and Davami, K., “Additively-Manufactured Lightweight Metamaterials for Energy Absorption”, ASME conference, Tampa, 2017.
- Salari, S., and Beheshti, A., “Extraction of Mechanical Characteristics of Metallic alloys under very high temperature”, ASME conference, Tampa, 2017.
- Salari, S., and Beheshti, A., “Hot Nano-indentation of Metallic Alloys: Experiments and Simulations”, STLE conference, Atlanta 2017.
- Rahman, M. S., and Beheshti, A., “Yielding Behavior of Single/Multilayer and Functionally Graded Layer Coatings under Scratch”, STLE Tribology Frontiers, November 2016, Chicago, USA.
- Hummod, M., Beheshti, A., and Polycarpou, Andreas A., “Wear Resistance Analysis of Protective Coating for Solar Panel Application”, STLE 70th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Dallas, Texas 2015.
- Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., Analysis of Contact in Smooth and Rough Surfaces: Contact Characteristics and Tribo-Damage, 12th Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference, 27 April 2013, Mechanical Engineering Department, Louisiana State University, LA, USA (First rank presentation)
- Beheshti, A., Khonsari, M. M., “Prediction of Wear in Lubricated Contacts” ASME/STLE Tribology Joint Conference (IJTC), 8-10 October, 2012, Denver, CO, USA
- Asadi, S., Hassan, M., and Beheshti, A., “Residential Attic with Radiant Barrier System: Finite Element Simulation and Parametric Study”, ASC 48th Annual International Conference, 11-14 April, 2012, Birmingham City University, England
- Asadi, S., Hassan, M., and Beheshti, A. “On the Performance Analysis of Attic Radiant Barrier Using Transient Finite Element Model”, Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC), Construction Track, 21-25 May 2011, RENO, NV, USA
- Asadi, S., Hassan, M., and Beheshti, A. “Finite Element Analysis of Attic Radiant Barrier Insulation system performance in Residential Buildings”, Engineering Sustainability 2011: Innovation and the Triple Bottom Line Conference, 10-12 April 2011, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
- Mostafa Jamshidian, Ali Beheshti, A.R. Sadeghi, Mahmoud Salimi, “Analysis of Strip Residual Curvatures in Anti-cross bow Cassette in Tension leveling Process”, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Metal Forming, Metal Forming 2008, Pages: 513-20, Verlag Stahleisen, Kraków, Poland.
- M. Salimi, M. Jamshidian, A. Beheshti, M. Silani, “Bending-Unbending Analysis of Anisotropic Sheet under Plane Strain Condition”, 14th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference (ISME), Isfahan, Iran, May 2006.
- M. Silani, A. Beheshti, M.R. Forouzan, “Effect of Patch Connection Methods on Fracture Resistance of Cracked Sheets”, 14th Annual (International) Mechanical Engineering Conference (ISME), Isfahan, Iran May 2006.