STEM camp at STLE (Minneapolis)
Friction welding (May, 2018)
High school students attend the STEM camp program of STLE (Minneapolis). This two-day program allowed local Cooper high school students interested in tribology to come to STLE conference and learn about interesting aspects and applications of tribology. The TSM Group was one of the volunteers that participated in this program presenting friction welding using 3D printed parts of Minnesota state and Vikings logo. Students learn how friction welding can be used to in industry.
Engineering youth conference
MEMS Pressure Sensor (February, 2018)
Dr. Beheshti and his team participate in 2018 Engineering youth conference at George Mason University. During this exhibition the capabilities of MEMS devices are discussed with high school students. MEMS pressure sensors are designed to measure absolute or differential pressures. They convert physical quantities such as air flow and liquid levels into pressure values that are measured by an electronic system and have many applications in auto industry and biomedical instruments. In this activity using hands-on approach students build their own pressure sensor in macro scale (macro electro mechanical sensors) and learn about piezoresistive material, graphite, a special circuit used for pressure sensors, wheatstone bridge, and how pressure change can be related and measured by ohm’s law. The experiment and accompanying poster showed students how basic principles of ohm’s law with enough knowledge of material science and mechanical engineering can be utilized in measuring absolute or differential pressures.